Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Developing Your Writing Career as an E-Book Writer

It is essential that you know about e-book and the content development for them before you begin your writing career as a writer. It is a digital version of a usual book, which can be transferred from a digital device to any other digital device or read on commonly used digital devices like computers, laptops and any e-book reader. E-book and electronic book are the same. The text of these books is known as e-text.


There are several reasons behind the wide usage of these books. These require less space to store them, where as the usual paper book need more. Reading and carrying books anywhere have become simpler with their launch and e-book readers. But the number you can carry is based on the size of books and capacity of reader. The case is different for conventional books. Conventional books require lots of space and carrying a lot of books is not possible as they will be very heavy.

If you love the nature, there is another reason to start using e-books. The reason is paper itself! More usage of these books could lower paper production and cutting down of trees. These books can be created on any topic just like the paper books. Novels, research papers, biographies and reference books are some of the categories. The conversion, in order to preserve books, of paper books to these books is easy. Another positive feature of e-books is that there is no need to print them again and again.

Writing as a Part-Time Option

Full-time writers can always opt for freelance writing. In addition to generating a sufficient amount of money through e-book writing, it offers you a space for expressing your creativity in your favorite subject - be it a serious subject or a fictional one. It's important to understand the target audience and comprehend the topic well, to write it in a clear and precise manner.

If you don't know, on which subject to write, conducting an internet search or asking people's views might help. When selecting a subject to write, you must be able to express the topic clearly. You can also start writing short stories or short articles before writing the book.

What is the Style of Writing?

The language you should use as an e-book writer must be of conversational and informal style, otherwise readers might not read it. Use a casual tone in your writing, because you will be able to easily connect with your readers in that way. You can include chapters with proper headings with readable line spacing. Let your passion for writing be known to others through these books and let it also make you financially independent.

To hire a writing company or to find out more about article writing service get in touch with Godot Media.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Book Of Awesome

The Book of Awesome

It's the little things in life we savor. It's snow days, a cool pillow on a hot summer night, or finding money in your pocket. These are the things that bring a smile to our face, if only for a fleeting moment. And while we all can relate, it took an office worker by the name of Neil Pasricha and his award-winning blog, 1000awesomethings.com to write about them.
When the blog hit the 13 million page-view milestone, a swarm of literary agents pursued Pasricha to consolidate life's simple pleasures into a full-blown book on the topic, titled, The Book of Awesome. Described by the publisher as "a high five for humanity and big celebration of life's little moment," The Book of Awesome reminds us that the best things in life are truly free.

Whimsical, and childlike, thousands of awesome things are highlighted in the book. Some of my favorites are:

• Popping Bubble Wrap
• Wearing underwear just out of the dryer
• Fixing electronics by smacking them
• Getting called up to the dinner buffet first at a wedding
• Watching The Price Is Right when you're home sick
• Hitting a bunch of green lights in a row
• Waking up and realizing it's Saturday

The Book of Awesome can be found at Amazon and other online bookstores. Enjoy, and don't forget to wake up and smell the coffee… that is, after you take a spoonful of peanut butter straight out of a freshly opened jar!
The Book of Awesome

Written by Ron Callari
Social Media, Semantic Technology, Digitial Media & Trends Writer

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Writing Tips: Five Steps for Turning Your Idea Into a Manuscript

Turning an idea into a manuscript isn't rocket science. It is actually a step by step procedure and, in the end, all you have to do is... well, do it! Here are five steps to turn your idea for a story into an actual story:

1. Describe your idea in a few words. If you don't have an idea, think of one right now (it's about time you made this dream come true!). Think of words, phrases, characters and events. Keep it brief and limit yourself to a few sentences or short descriptions.

2. Fill the gaps below to see how it goes:

The protagonist of my story is...

What he/she wants to do is... his/her purposes are... he/she craves for...

He/she is hindered by


In this story, the ending is impressive because...

Once you cover these gaps, you immediately have the outline of an interesting plot.

3. Are there any gaps in the plot? Consider the questions that may arise in the head of your readers. Make a list and answer each question "reasonably".

4. Make a brief description for the following list. Keep the descriptions short and to the point. Do not write scenes and details... just the general plan.

Ordinary world - The protagonist's everyday life where everything begins.

Different new world - where things evolve.

Characters (protagonist / supporting roles)

Antagonist (one or more)

Allies (of the "good guys" and the "bad guys" of your story)

Enemies (again of the "good guys" and the "bad guys" of your story)

Note: Antagonists, allies and enemies can be - besides real persons - situations, emotions, spiritual realities, psychological issues, etc.

5. Answer the following questions:

The beginning

How will you introduce your protagonist in an interesting way?

What is your story's "world" like?

Write down some things about the place, setting, time and the initial scene.

What will your tone be like? Try to write your first paragraph or your first page to realize the tone and style of your narrative.

What is the disturbing / unsettling incident that will make your protagonist "flee" from his/her everyday life and keep the reader interested? Make a list.

Who or what are the hindrances and predicaments your protagonist faces? Write a few things about that.

The Middle

How will you go deeper into the relations and situations your protagonist experiences?

Make a list your protagonist's "battles", with everything he/she will need to confront.

What could be the final showdown?

What is that incident that will lead things towards the end and mark the final showdown? Make a list of these potential events.

The End

Write a rough sketch of the protagonist's final "battle" - the showdown.

Consider how to close any remaining "open fronts" and tie up loose ends.

What could be the story's impressive finale? Make a list of possible finales.

That's it. Your story is ready. To put it simply, you have created your story manual and now all you have to do is follow the instructions to write it down. So, stop waiting around for that great inspiration to visit you. Writing is an actual job, with steps and procedures. Get to it!

Hi. My name is Maria Gousiou and I am a published author in Greece. Visit my website on Writing for greek speaking aspired writers.

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